Monday, October 26, 2009

false feminist death syndrome

biking by your house is a bitch because i really just want to hang out. too bad it's too complicated.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009



atlas sound 10/10/09

yes i am a fan, yes yes yes three and four times over, thank you bradford cox for making it a bit (a lot) more personal than kia made it out to be (which is why i referred to it as 'the bullshit' but i don't know how well that translates across a metal fence); i know it was just some 'free show' but i feel it, once again, attested to how prolific he really is

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

really good weed

this. this is the reason i'm almost sure what i'd like to do with my life. (honestly though i can't want to see how he translates this into retail.)

Thursday, October 1, 2009



im just bored, i guess, with things and all. give me a second to catch my breath. i was up by the train yard, my favorite part on wylie, right next to this house where i guess a lot of different kinds of people live because of their biodiesel mercedes and other variations of equipment. but i had to just, stop,
i just had to catch my breath for a minute
i almost wanted to cry
lately ive just felt helpless
but really i'm just all kinds of white girl problems that don't mean shit. really, i keep saying i need to get my shit together but i realized tonight that i need this, i crave this, i seek out this spontaneity in life because that's just how i function. i don't understand why the past few weeks all i've cared about is why, why, what does this mean when really it's just a question of what next, when, and now.
i love it when something is just so, completely wrong.
but then i almost got hit by a car while on my bike on the way home, so maybe it's my life's way of telling me something.