Thursday, October 1, 2009



im just bored, i guess, with things and all. give me a second to catch my breath. i was up by the train yard, my favorite part on wylie, right next to this house where i guess a lot of different kinds of people live because of their biodiesel mercedes and other variations of equipment. but i had to just, stop,
i just had to catch my breath for a minute
i almost wanted to cry
lately ive just felt helpless
but really i'm just all kinds of white girl problems that don't mean shit. really, i keep saying i need to get my shit together but i realized tonight that i need this, i crave this, i seek out this spontaneity in life because that's just how i function. i don't understand why the past few weeks all i've cared about is why, why, what does this mean when really it's just a question of what next, when, and now.
i love it when something is just so, completely wrong.
but then i almost got hit by a car while on my bike on the way home, so maybe it's my life's way of telling me something.

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