Monday, April 13, 2009

gonna get my base face on

how are you so perfect? so easy? my only problem with you is that I don't get to see you as much as I'd want to. and that, in itself, isn't even really a problem with you just a problem with circumstance. and people always ask me, how you're doing, and how we're doing, and all I can say is good because, that's it. we're good, we are really good. these four months I've known you have gone by fast. and not one instance of doubt. Just. Easy.

I've realized some people out there are just figured out, and it doesn't take someone to reassure them perpetually in order for them to feel figured out and settled. You're it. You're completely figured out and it's allowed me to figure myself out, in turn. I've wanted someone like you, who didn't require my constant reassurance, nor attention. Just my companionship. My time. In that, we've settled. We're figured out.

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