Saturday, April 25, 2009

seventy bucks richer

but today has literally kicked my ass. So, there was this Hip Hop convention, or whatever the fuck you call it, and my work was packed at the most awkward hour. Being that at that time, we only had three or so servers, and, well, people kept walking in, and seating themselves, service stalled and therefore it reflected on my performance. Or. Serving. Whatever. Either way, I worked an extra hour, and came into contact with the most rude and seemingly unhappy group of grown (in every aspect, if you know what I mean) men who apparently also lacked common courtesy of tipping appropriately (no, FUCK no would I ever listen to your shitty demo)

Speaking of, I left over 30+ demo cd's at work. I'm not even kidding. Maybe even more. Dem Flo, Ruff Slack, Yung Rill, I made all of those up but you get the idea. Atlanta, you are ridiculous.

Anyway. By 5:30 I closed my last table and got out, waited FOREVER for Marta (so gracious I will be biking from next week on) came home, and passed the fuck out. Literally. I just woke up. Well, thirty minutes ago. I know I wasted my Saturday but I honestly need this time. I keep telling myself I need to be stressed out, because, well, I have so much shit to do, being:
1. Pack
2. Clean
3. Reading responses
4. Finals
5. Study for finals
6. Work
7. Move out
8. Move in
9. Other Misc.
And as you can tell, I didn't even take the time to organize that list. Either way, how is it that I've been trolling eBay for the past thirty minutes and NOT starting on my schoolwork?

I'm almost at 3 weeks of ~meat sobriety~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey alex. i miss you. this is belated and strange, i know.